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Heritage of Faith Orphanage & School has been running solely on goodwill, prayers, and donations for the last 26 years. That's 26 years of providing a safe and loving home to children aged 3 to 18 who have nowhere else to go.
But they can't do it without your help.
They need your help to provide three meals a day to 120 orphans, pay the electricity bill, and pay the teachers' salaries, provide uniforms and clothes, as well as pay for the extra-curricular activities of the children.
Every little bit helps. A donation of £20 a month can provide a child with a week's worth of meals.
Here are just a few of the ways your sponsorship can make a difference in the life of a child at Heritage of Faith:
Please consider sponsoring a child at Heritage of Faith today. Your gift will make a difference in their life that they will never forget.
Together, we can create a better future for these children.
If you can't afford to sponsor a child, there are other ways you can help. You can make regular donations to the orphanage to help purchase food, clothing, or school supplies.
To set up a standing order using the details provided below:
Mikaeel Foundation
Account No: 79922586
Sort Code: 60 03 19
Reference: HoF
To make a donation using Google Pay, credit or debit card, please click on the button below.
Scan the QR code to make a donation using a credit or debit card and Google Pay.